I’m not able to know why other people signed up to Facebook. For myself it was a way to stay in touch with family, reconnect with old friends and connect with new people. This was done by sharing little bits of our lives with each other. The interesting, the amazingly boring and everything in between.

I consider my facebook feed as something personal, almost like a social club filled with only people I know or am getting to know, who as I pass, just update me on whats going on in their lives and I respond in kind.

Its pleasant to cheer when these people are doing well, offer sympathy when things are going against them and just listen as they share the ordinary daily details of normal life.

But increasingly it seems a few people want to bombard my timeline with asinine videos, cliched mottoes and quizzes an intellectually challenged 9 year old would find easy.


To what purpose?

If I wanted to watch short, occasionally funny videos, I have Hulu+ with 16 seasons of America’s Funniest Home Videos.

I can pull endless trite, true, funny witty sayings from the internet. 

And quizzes? Don’t even ask!

It seems to me this kind of random spamming of ones facebook feed is like going to the movies with a whole bunch of friends, then having one of them talk loudly throughout the entire show. Its just bloody annoying.

Don’t get me wrong, we all post the occasional thing that we want to share with others. Every so often I post a music video I love just so others can appreciate it, or not. The difference is that I always post a message with it to explain either why I posted it or what it is. And I only ever post them one at a time, rarely if ever more than one a week. So its not like I’m asking that none of this stuff should be posted. But when you get 6 or 7 consecutive spams from the same person its time to say “Hey, I’m trying to watch this movie. Could you keep it quiet please” .

I always read peoples postings on my timeline. Always. If you posted an update on your life, believe me I read it. Its the whole purpose of having that account in the first place. I check probably 4 or 5 times a day and enjoy the interaction. 

But, the spam vids, pics, quizzes, and quotes, are scrolled past with nary a second glance and only a few muttered curses. 

If you want to post stuff like that I think there is a way to exclude individuals from seeing it.  If not, perhaps its time to unfriend me and  exercise your right to free speech on someone else.

So please. no more Cats playing piano, dogs chasing tails and running into glass doors. No more babies peeing in the air when a diaper is removed, or pulling weird faces. 

No more “How many squares in this picture” or “Can you name a State with no letter A in


No more life affirming, friends forever, life is to be lived, enjoy the moment, plan for tomorrow, hope springs eternal messages. Thank you!

On separate note, I’m a little stuck with this. Any help would be appreciated.Image.